Insta Pro APK Download v10.45 (Updated) Latest January 2024

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Insta Pro APK

Insta Pro APK is a cool app made by SamMods. It makes Instagram more fun. You can make awesome videos, interesting stories, and get more friends with InstaPro.

App NameInstaPro APK
Size70 MB
MOD InfoMany Feature
Updated10 Minutes Ago

InstaPro APK provides additional features like more control over your privacy, interface customization, and media file downloads like reels, stories, photos, etc. Overall, it provides you with a better experience than the original app.

It’s an unrestricted version of Instagram that lets you exercise more personalization and greater control over your privacy and the content you consume. You have no restrictions on the content you can view/download, and share. Moreover, you can also visit profiles and pages without leaving any track of yours being there.

Instagram Pro

What is InstaPro APK?

Insta Pro Apk is a modded and alternate version of the Instagram app developed by SamMods and also known as GBinsta or GB Instagram Pro; you can download any reel, post, video, or story you want and even customize the layout. Moreover, gaining followers and increasing engagement is more accessible than using the official Instagram app.

You can also have multiple accounts in it and even stay anonymous while browsing other profiles and pages. You can add filters and effects to your install videos, change themes and fonts, hide your online status, and improve your social media experience.

We have also provided the app with all versions available with their download links on this page, and an update comes out now and then, so you have access to all the latest features. So download its latest version now.

What is Instagram Pro APK?

Instagram Pro APK is a special app that adds extra features to your regular Instagram. Created by SamMods, it makes using Instagram even more exciting. With Instagram Pro, you can make cool videos called reels, share interesting stories, and get more people to follow you. It’s like having a supercharged Instagram with lots of fun extras. The app gives you new ways to express yourself and connect with friends. If you want to stand out on Instagram and have a great time, Instagram Pro APK is the way to go.

Insta Pro

Features Of Insta Pro APK

Instagram IGTV Video Download

Insta Pro allows you to download any IGTV video you want from any profile in the app, and you can also choose the download quality, which includes 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 2K, 4k, and more, to save it directly to your internal storage.

So you can also further edit and share it with your friends, family, and close ones on various social media platforms. You also get the option to download only the video’s audio in many different sound resolutions and save it.

Change Themes & Interface

You can customize and change the complete interface of the Instagram Pro Apk, which includes background colors, text colors, font styles/size, and more as you want, as you have access to many unique themes, which include dark, light, colorful, and hundreds more, along with many new themes being added weekly. You can also control the type of content you want in your explore, search, and reels section.

You also have the ‘quiet mode’ to block all notifications completely, and you can also choose which ones you want to allow and block. You can also schedule posts from your account at a particular time to make them available at the given time.

60 Sec 5Story

On InstaPro Apk, you can even upload stories of 60 seconds to give you more freedom over the content you share, as most reels are around the same time, and the original app provides a story limit of only 30 seconds. Moreover, you can also download anyone’s story you want, and they will need to learn about it.

You can also schedule stories with the posts so they appear at your desired time.

Translate Button

You also have the translation button to translate the texts in posts, stories, comments, and reels to your desired languages so you can understand them better. Moreover, when someone messages you on Insta Pro app, you can even translate that text into your desired language.

Find Friends

InstaPro Apk has made it significantly easier for your to find your friends and people with similar interests, as you have various pages and feeds where you can type in your area of interest, and similar profiles will emerge. Also, you can get the list of all the people’s IDs in your contact list so you can easily connect with your near and dear ones.

Moreover, you can also make many new friends in it as it has millions of users from all over the world with different cultures, religions, and interests, and you need to find some common ground to start a conversation with them.

Privacy Features

Regarding privacy features, no other Insta-modified app can beat InstaPro as you can hide your online status, view other people’s stories and profiles without them knowing it, hide your last seen, typing status, and many more. You can also view posts, stories, and reels of accounts you blocked.

You can further have customization on your feed, like removing sponsored posts and liked posts from your profile, and thus have higher control over the content you consume in the app. Furthermore, many new privacy features are added to ensure comfort and security.

Download Stories, Reels, Videos, and Posts

Insta Pro lets you download any stories, reels, videos, and posts you want and store them directly in your internal storage. You can download any media files you want and choose the download quality of different resolutions like 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K, and more. You can also download audio only of the files and even in different qualities.

Moreover, all the media content you download from the app gets compressed, occupying less space on your storage without impacting its rendering quality. After exporting them to your internal storage, you can share them on other social media platforms.

Ads Free

The app is completely ad-free, unlike the official Instagram, where you have ads every few seconds that distract you while browsing and enjoying reels and stories, and you will need to pay to remove ads.

But InstaPro Apk provides you with a complete no ads experience which further enhances the user experience as you are more in control and avoid distraction as you browse social media.


No matter what you do in the app, what stories, reels, posts you upload, or comments you make on other people’s posts, your account will never be banned, unlike the official Instagram, where people get banned even because of the slightest offenses.

There are no restrictions on the content you share, and even if you have the official Instagram app on your phone, your account is still safe, and even the official one is safe as these two0 are entirely unrelated.

Anti Unsend Messages

On Insta Pro Apk, if you send a message to someone, you cannot have the option to delete it, so be careful while you type, as often time users on the official app complain about this issue.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Using Insta Pro Apk


Instagram Pro APK offers several advantages, including enhanced features and functionalities compared to the official Instagram app. Users can enjoy additional customization options, such as themes and privacy settings, providing a more personalized experience. The app often incorporates the latest updates from Instagram, giving users early access to new features.

Additionally, Instagram Pro APK may include built-in download options for photos, videos, and stories, allowing users to save content directly to their devices. However, it’s essential to note that the use of third-party apps like Instagram Pro APK may violate Instagram’s terms of service, risking account suspension or other consequences.


Using Insta Pro APK may have some drawbacks. Since it’s not an official Instagram app, there’s a risk of violating Instagram’s policies, leading to account issues. Additionally, third-party apps like Insta Pro may lack the security measures of the official version, making your account more vulnerable. It’s essential to consider these potential risks and weigh them against the extra features before deciding to use Insta Pro APK.

How to Download And Install Insta Pro APK?

  1. Click on the download button to download the .apk file.
  2. Go to Settings > Security > Installation from unknown sources and enable it.
  3. Click on the .apk file which you have just downloaded and then click on install.
  4. After a few seconds, the app will be installed on your device.
Insta Pro Apk Install

How to Download InstaPro Apk on Web/PC?

You can get the Instagram Pro APK on your Windows PC using these easy steps:

  • Open a Browser
  • Download BlueStacks
  • Open BlueStacks:
  • Search for Instagram Pro APK
  • Choose Instagram Pro
  • Install Instagram Pro

Frequently Asked Questions About Insta Pro APK

What is the best Instagram MOD for APK?

GB Instagram, OG Instagram, and The Aeroinsta are some of its best alternatives.

How to Update the Insta Pro App?

Whenever an update comes, we publish it here on our website, and you can download the latest version and install it on your device just like you previously did and log in with your credentials.

Can you live stream on InstaPro?

Yes, you can live stream on it like you did on the official Instagram app.

Is Insta Pro free and safe to use? 

Yes, Insta Pro is 100% free and safe to download and use, and it also provides you with various privacy protection features so you can continue using the app without even logging in, and many more. Moreover, your account won’t even get banned for using it.

Can I customize the interface?

Yes, you can customize the interface and use the app in your desired language.

Can I download all media files directly to my inbuilt storage without a watermark?

Yes, you can download all the media files like photos, videos, stories, reels, and many more without any watermarks and directly to your device’s storage.

Can I get Instagram Followers with it?

No, you cannot use it to get more followers to your account on the official Instagram app, but you can get followers in the modified version more readily than on the official app.

Is there any mod for Instagram?

Yes, there are several mods available for Instagram like GB Instagram, OG Instagram, and Insta+ are some best ever.

Is Insta Pro safe?

Yes, Insta Pro app is a third-party app, and it’s secure and easy to use. So, everyone can download and install Insta Pro apk.

What is Instander Instagram?

Instander Instagram is a modded version of Instagram with additional features and customization options.

How do I download Instagram Pro on iOS?

Insta Pro Apk by SamMods is only for Android users. Possible iOS version in the future. iPhone users stay tuned.

Final Words

Insta Pro is the best alternative to the official app out there, providing you with extensive privacy features, interface customization, media downloads, and many more. It protects your privacy by keeping your identity hidden as you browse various profiles and pages. Moreover, if you want more features added to the app, you can write to us on our contact us page.